Sunday, 1 May 2011

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Windows Live Mesh Review

Posted: 01 May 2011 01:55 AM PDT

Windows Live Mesh

Guest Post by Abdul Karim.

If you use more than one computer, you might find it difficult to manage your files across multiple Windows logins and computers. In that past you had to manually transfer files across either by emailing them to yourself or using a USB drive.

Recently Windows has launched Mesh which will automatically synchronise your files between your computers, it also allows you to synchronise your internet explorer bookmarks and office settings as well.

The benefit of online synchronisation is tremendous, and is particularly useful for people who use multiple computers, and for people who have fast internet connection. To begin follows the steps below:

  1. Download Windows Live Essentials.
  2. Launch the app, agree to terms and pick Live Mesh and any other apps you want to install.
  3. Launch Live Mesh and enter your Live ID.
  4. Begin by selecting Sync a folder, and allow the software to upload your files.

    Window Live Mesh

  5. Optionally allow Mesh to synchronise IE bookmarks and office settings.
  6. Repeat steps 1-3 for other computers, then select a location where you want the Mesh files to be synchronised.


10 Good Online Writing Sites for Freelancing

Posted: 01 May 2011 01:55 AM PDT

online writing sites

Guest Post by Michael Wittmeyer.

If you want to work from home and you have some writing skills (web content, business documentation, programming, articles, news, etc.), get ready to write. There are a number of freelance and contractor web sites where you can write with the potential of getting recognition or getting paid, and in some cases, getting paid at a salary you request.

At some sites, you will submit a sample article in order to qualify as a writer for the site. At other sites, you may need to set up a profile and take some tests to qualify as a contractor for the site. It takes a little effort to get set up, but it could lead to a successful job solution. Check these out!!

Online News and Article Sites

At most of these web sites, you submit a writing sample and apply to become a writer for the site. Some of these sites pay based on advertising, but you need to read the fine print to understand when and how much you will be paid. In the case of one site, for example, they state that earnings depend on the popularity of the articles you write along with the success of keyword searches. Most of them offer training videos to help you increase the visibility of your articles. Some of the writing categories include business, food, health, history, home and garden, music, outdoors, science, technology, and many more.

Freelance Writing Sites

You may be able to sign up as an employer if you need to hire someone, or as a contractor if you need work. Be prepared to spend 3-5 days to create a profile that includes your credentials, writing samples, identification, testing, and financial options. It takes some time to establish your credentials, and you may have to bid on an online job before receiving work. Some of the writing categories include web and software development, networking, multimedia, sales, business, creative, technical writing, and many more. If you are selected to interview via e-mail, phone, or Skype, you may land an hourly or fixed-rate job. Each of these sites work differently, so you will need to visit each one to understand the details of how they work. Most of the sites offer training for your work success.

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