Friday, 2 December 2011

Web Tools for Freelance Web Designers

Web Tools for Freelance Web Designers

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Web Tools for Freelance Web Designers

Posted: 01 Dec 2011 07:46 AM PST

web tools

Guest post by Darren Jones.

There are various tools that are utilized by a freelance web designer to enhance the design and make the process much easier. These tools often help in building a viable business image as well as streamlining the business. These tools help in increasing the efficiency and bring out the maximum of professional potential of a freelance web designer. For this purpose there are various tools that can be utilized to fulfill the purpose. Let's have a look at these tools one by one.

1. Billing and Invoice
Invoicera: This application is capable of offering various features. It is arguably the best of applications offered when it comes to time tracking applications available online. This app enables in time track, creating invoices and expenses. It also enables in supervising business financials, creating reports, helps in scheduling invoices of clients and even sending estimates. The clients are also given a trial of 30 days free without the requirement of credit card.

Blinksale: This application helpful in sending custom made invoices. It is also helpful in creating recurring payments templates for the convenience of the client. This often comes in handy for charging the customers for the services rendered

2. Project Management
Project management applications are a integral part of project management. These help in organizing team work and are useful to the freelancers as well. These tools offer various organizational functions that are inclusive of listing, creating calendars and task lists.

This system is utilized in management of various activities and it includes an application by the name of Basecamp. This is said to be one of the highly established application when it comes to project management. This is the most viable software that enables in management of long term project lines and contacts. The user is offered a choice of free as well as premium plans.

There is yet another application which is also a part of this project. This application is by the name of Unfuddle This enables in tracking bug, managing projects and repository hosting. The best thing about it is that these are offered in a single convenient package to the customer. The plans that are offered to the customers are free plans with 200MB capacity along with premium features for the benefit of the customer or user.

3. Creative Process and Mockups
Ever thought of an application that will enable finding layout content as per a client's needs? Well, here is the answer to the question it is this application of creative process and mockups. This application enables the user to find a layout content suited to the needs of the client. This helps in perfectly creating the required content and enhances it too. This process utilizes the following tools:

Mockingbird helps in creating cost free mockups created directly in the browser and can also be shared with other users. Another advantage of this tool is that it takes seemingly less time in loading. It also comprise many objects that offer variety when it comes to importing. As far as the main view is concerned the user gets to access hierarchical pages and work links alike.

Mockflow helps in allowing real time collaboration. This collaboration can take place between various users whether online or offline. This offers the user the convenience of working with either a desktop app or as a web client.

4. Hosted CMS
Often the client is used to create content without seeking any help from external resources. For this purpose CMS comes in as a handy tool. This helps in managing the content a lot easier for the client or the user who owns it, like freelance designers. These hosted CMS can be utilized for web designing as well, this includes:

LightCMS: This is one of the most convenient and easy to use system for supporting: e-commerce, managing clients data and billing. This system comes packed with various CMS inbuilt features like, blogging, SEO and calendars for the convenience of the user.

Traffik: Wish to have an app that will make life easier and helps in managing a site completely? Traffik is the answer that will help in the management of the entire website. The user is allowed to create blogs, forums and even a specific restricted section for specified users or member area. What more the user is also provided with e-commerce solution. This often comes in handy for product management and creating sales for the client side.

5. Browser Compatibility
When it comes to designing the important thing is compatibility with browsers. Testing of various designs in different browsers for the purpose of getting that look which is compatible everywhere is essential. So, the application that is utilized for this purpose is the Litmus. This is yet another Basecmap like application which is browser friendly. They give the user the benefit of free plans and 50 tests each month with at least two browsers.

BrowserShots is a free of cost application available to any user who wishes to utilize the open source services. This is capable of providing screenshots on at least 75 browsers.

6. Support Systems
There are systems that offer professional support requests professionally such as Zendesk. This is a system is completely capable of supporting and fully managing the websites which are fully integrated too. This includes various sections for client's convenience like support tickets, customer forum and also helps in documentation of the process. The user also gets the benefits of availing trail packs sans costing.

Grasshopper is a tool which enables customized toll free number on monthly basis. This is comprise unlimited extension for directing to either a land line or a cell phone number.

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