Monday, 11 June 2012

Best WordPress Plugins

Best WordPress Plugins

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Best WordPress Plugins

Posted: 11 Jun 2012 07:16 AM PDT

These are the best plugins for WordPress. We highly recommend you install this to get a fuller experience of the power of the WordPress world. We could also say that without these you will miss out on at least half of the goodness that is WordPress, that half created by the community. SEO control, caching for speed, tag cloud customization, spam eradication, social metrics, complete site translation on the fly, content keyword feedback, social media voting encouragement buttons, and cool contact forms are among the best of all WordPress plugins we have to present for you. Enjoy!

WordPress SEO by Yoast Download
You will only need one SEO plugin and this is it. The page analysis is the meat of this plugin. It tells you what you have done wrong in writing SEO content. You will get a list of things that need correcting. It also drives you to write keyword focused content by offering fields for SEO title, keyword focus and meta description (used in Google’s summary SER description).


  • Google SER preview
  • detailed, interactive page analysis
  • templating
  • control robots by page, post, or section
  • micromanage breadcrumbs
  • integrated sitemapping

WordPress Super Cache Download
Running a totally Php based site, such as what WP creates, can tax the server and slow down performance. A caching program is designed to deal with it by delivering static pages it generates from the php. If a user is logged in or has commented at least once, then the standard WP caching applies, otherwise the Super Cache kicks in.


  • Super Cache pages served only to users not logged in nor has left a comment
  • meta files placed in their own directory for speed
  • lockdown mode

Ultimate Tag Cloud Widget Download
Tag clouds may be old news, but this plugin brings them to life. You can configure everything imaginable about your tag clouds. Set the density, color, quantity, expiration date of tags, and which tags are either filtered in or out of the cloud.


  • set how many days back the cloud goes
  • include/exclude tags
  • control both size and color
  • max number of terms in the cloud
  • internationalization complete

Spam Free WordPress Download
False positives on blocking spam comments is what we would all like. It seems like only a dream, but you have never used Spam Free WordPress pugin. This works with the major caching plugins as well.


  • works without CAPTCHA, JS, or cookies
  • minimal database load
  • 100% effective
  • no false positives
  • works with WP Super Cache, W3, and many others

Social Metrics Download
If you ignore social media in your website strategy then you will certainly remain in the age of the dinosaurs. This plugin aids you in tracking how your site is doing with its social metrics and it does so effortlessly.


  • Digg, Twitter, Google +1, LinkedIn, and Facebook are all supported.
  • Track individual posts or pages

SEO-Tool – Keyword Density Checker Download
SEO is so important and content is king. So it is only natural you would want to know what keywords and key phrases you have written to. This plugin shows you which keywords have the highest density in your article. It even shows individual words and phrases of 2 and 3 words. Your SEO writing skills will skyrocket with this plugin.


  • stopword lists
  • keyword meta tag recommendation
  • density ratings for top phrases of 1, 2, and 3 words

WordPress Translator Widget Download
Give your foreign visitors the chance to translate everything on your site with one click at the beginning of their visit using Google Translation. While Google is not perfect, it is better than having nothing at all to translate with. Your foreign visitors will more comfortably navigate your site and even get a better understanding of your content, through a rough translation into their own language.


  • draws on languages in Google Translation
  • language name in the native language, rather than flags
  • choice of horizontal or vertical display

Get Social Download
Social networks must be leveraged if you are going to gain popularity for your website. That means raising the visibility of the social voting buttons and this plugin does just that. Remind your visitors to vote for you on their favorite social networks by placing this floating social network bar on your website.


  • Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Buffer, LinkedIn, Google +1, Digg, and Stumble Upon
  • Customly add other social networks
  • option to hide counts
  • turn off the floating toolbar for any particular post or page
  • drag and drop to place them in your own order

GrowMap Anti-Spambot + Simple Trackback Validation with Topsy Blocker Plugins Download and Download
If you are fed up with Akismet’s licensing, among other failures, you need a rock solid spam killer. Splat all the comment and trackback garbage with this these two plugins. They are effective together, along with the blacklist function built into WP itself. Be aware, though, that GASP requires Javascript and some users may have it disabled. However, it is rare for someone to actually turn off Js these days.


  • no CAPTCHA
  • 99% effective
  • client side check box for verification
  • uses Javascript

Slick Contact Forms Download
Contact forms are the backbone of any good customer management strategy. You want to give your visitors a way to communicate with you and still avoid your email address or phone number from being harvested by spammers. This is the fastest and most beautiful contact form solution I have seen yet. It is simple and can be set up within less than a minute.


  • floating or slide out
  • size and placement options
  • required fields
  • elegant solution to contact forms

The Final Word
Naming the top plugins for WP is difficult, since there are an endless number of excellent ones available. However, these are what we use and recommend to other WP site owners. If you install only these plugins you will have a rock solid base for your WP site.

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